State of South Dakota
State of South Dakota
The State of South Dakota BIT Division is currently involved in a modernization effort to upgrade and convert their current Mainframe applications to newer platforms and new technology. To accomplish this, their current legacy Mainframe applications staff will be devoting their time and effort towards this goal. Consequently, their staff will not be able to perform the daily support/fix and enhancement activities for their Economic Assistance, (EA), TANF/SNAP/LIEAP
and DCS/CCS Legacy Mainframe applications.
Zion Cloud Solutions provides a comprehensive Managed Services solution for the State of South Dakota to provide Legacy Mainframe applications support functions for their EA TANF/SNAP/LIEAP and DCS/CCS systems, including but not limited to:
- Problem Ticket research/resolution
- Enhancement research/resolution
- Project Management
- Documentation creation/enhancement
- Application Batch on-call monitoring/resolution
- Associated Web applications support/enhancements